
Do I need a visa to study in Spain?

If your visit is for less than 90 days:
If you are from a country whose nationals are exempt from the requirement to be in possession of a visa, it is not necessary to apply for a study visa. On the contrary, if you are a national of a country subject to the visa requirement to cross the external borders, you do have to apply for a visa.


If your visit is for more than 90 days:

This visa is also necessary if you are going to carry out, for more than 90 days, non-working internships, volunteer services, student mobility, M.I.R. places, training stays and studies for the schooling of minors. It is also necessary in the cases of the student’s family members who wish to stay in Spain for more than 90 days.

If the stay is longer than six months:
You must personally request the foreigner identity card within a month of entering Spain, at the Immigration Office or Police Station of the province where the authorization has been processed.


Where to apply for the visa?
The visa applicant can present the required documentation in person at the Consulate or Embassy closest to the applicant’s domicile.

How long in advance do you have to request it and what is its duration?
To ensure you get your visa on time, you can generally apply for it a minimum of 31 days before your departure date and documentation will not be accepted more than 120 days before your trip. However, we recommend that you consult the website of the Consulate or Embassy in your country.

Where to apply for the visa? The visa applicant can present the required documentation in person at the Consulate or Embassy closest to the applicant’s domicile. How long in advance do you have to request it and what is its duration? To ensure you get your visa on time, you can generally apply for it a minimum of 31 days before your departure date and documentation will not be accepted more than 120 days before your trip. However, we recommend that you consult the website of the Consulate or Embassy in your country.

What is the economic amount that I must have in order for my visa to be accepted?
As indicated in article 38 of Royal Decree 557/2011, you must have guaranteed financial means to cover the expenses of stay and return to your country, counting at least monthly with 100% of the IPREM, being € 564.90 / month in 2021.

What are the most common requirements to obtain a student visa?

  • Not be a citizen of a State of the European Union, the European Economic Area or Switzerland, or a family member of citizens of these countries to which the Union citizens regime applies.
  • Not being prohibited from entering Spain and not appearing as objectionable in the territorial space of countries with which Spain has signed an agreement in this regard.
  • Have sufficient financial means to cover the expenses of stay and return to their country and, where appropriate, those of their relatives, in accordance with the following amounts:
  • For its maintenance, monthly, 100% of the IPREM, unless it is duly proven that the accommodation has been paid in advance for the entire time that the stay will last.
  • Have public or private health insurance arranged with an insurance company authorized to operate in Spain.
  • In the case of underage students who are not accompanied by their parents or guardians, their authorization, with proof of the center, organization, entity and body responsible for the activity and the planned period of stay.
  • Having been admitted to an authorized teaching center in Spain, to carry out a full-time program, leading to obtaining a degree or certificate of studies.
  • In the event that the duration of the stay exceeds six months, the following will be required:
  • In the case of persons of criminal age, lack a criminal record in Spain and in their previous countries of residence during the last five years for existing crimes in Spanish law.
  • Not suffering from any of the diseases that can have serious public health repercussions in accordance with the provisions of the International Health Regulations of 2005.
    IMPORTANT: Each country has a series of specific requirements, so we recommend you consult the page of the Embassy / Consulate of Spain in your country through this link

What are the most common causes of student visa denial?
To answer this question, we must refer to article 39.9 of the Immigration Regulations, which provides what we transcribe below:

The visa or authorization of stay will be denied:

  • Where appropriate, when the applicant’s criminal record is recorded in the countries of residence during the last five years for crimes provided for in Spanish law.
  • When, to substantiate the request, false documents or inaccurate allegations have been presented, or there is bad faith.
  • When there is a legally foreseen cause of inadmissibility for processing that had not been appreciated at the time of receipt of the request.
    In addition, to complement the response, it is necessary to agree the aforementioned norm with the fourth additional provision of the Immigration Law, which regulates the grounds for inadmissibility of applications on immigration matters. These are the following:
  • Lack of legitimacy of the applicant, or insufficient accreditation of the representation.
  • Presentation of the application outside the legally established deadline.
  • In the case of reiteration of a request that has already been denied, provided that the circumstances that led to the denial have not changed.
  • When there is an administrative sanctioning procedure against the applicant in which expulsion can be proposed or when an expulsion order, judicial or administrative, has been decreed against him, unless, in the latter case, the expulsion order has been revoked or is is in one of the cases regulated by articles 31 bis, 59, 59 bis or 68.3 of this law.
  • When the applicant is prohibited from entering Spain.
    In the case of manifestly unfounded requests.
  • When they refer to foreigners who are in Spain in an irregular situation, unless it can be found in one of the cases of article 31, paragraph 3.
  • When said request is not made personally and said circumstance is required by law.


-Il est essentiel d’assister aux cours en présentiel pendant la durée de votre contrat de cours. Par conséquent, il est nécessaire que vous respectiez la présence à 100%.


  • Avoir 100% de l’IPREM mensuellement. Pour 2021, ce montant correspond à 564,0 €
  • L’étudiant doit fournir des pièces justificatives telles que :
  • Relevé bancaire des trois derniers mois émis par la banque et signé
  • Paie ou similaire pour les trois derniers mois
  • Si vous êtes économiquement dépendant, vous devez fournir une déclaration de responsabilité de la personne dont vous avez la charge et elle doit être notariée et dûment apostillée.

L’original et une photocopie de tous les documents doivent être remis


Si vous séjournez dans un logement appartenant à l’école :

  • Demande d’accréditation en précisant la durée du contrat.
  • Si vous séjournez dans un logement extérieur
  • Demande d’accréditation en précisant la durée du contrat, qui doit coïncider avec la durée du cours. Cette accréditation doit contenir :
  • Informations sur l’établissement Coordonnées
  • Adresse de l’hébergement
  • Période contractuelle (doit coïncider avec la fin du cours) Paiement de l’hébergement

Si vous êtes un particulier :

  • Adresse de l’hébergement
  • Période contractuelle (doit coïncider avec la fin du cours) Paiement de l’hébergement
  • Informations de contact
  • Photocopie de la pièce d’identité du propriétaire

IMPORTANT : Si vous séjournez chez un parent, vous devez fournir une déclaration de responsabilité détaillant la relation et donnant une partie de sa maison, ainsi qu’une lettre d’invitation qui doit être fournie par la police.


Elle aura la même durée que la période d’achèvement du cours auquel vous êtes inscrit.

L’autorisation peut être prolongée si vous démontrez que vous continuez à remplir les conditions requises pour la délivrance de l’autorisation initiale et que vous répondez aux conditions exigées par le centre éducatif et que la réalisations des études a été vérifiée.

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